Self-Care Revolution: A New Book by Ellen Rondina

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Self-Care Revolution Ellen Rondina

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Look at These 5 Bonus Gifts of Wellness You Get with Your Purchase of Self-Care Revolution!

4 Biggest Barries to Self Care Ellen Rondina


The 4 Biggest Barriers to Planning for and Practicing Sustained Self-Care (PDF from Ellen Rondina)

As laid out in my book and workbook, you will need to identify your barriers to self-care if you are going to be able to move forward and carry out your self-care plan. This pdf guide gently outlines the 4 biggest and most common barriers. You will find you are not alone!

21 Day Self care Challenge


21-Day ‘Soft’ Self-Care Challenge from Ellen Rondina

This is a strengths-based creative challenge that will offer a daily email with valuable self-care ‘whys’ and ‘whats’, including:

  • Interviews and conversations with helping and wellness professionals.
  • Suggested action steps, tips, and fresh ideas
  • Guided questions to help you find ‘your why’.
  • Audio mindfulness meditation practices
  • Cheerleading and support from me every step of the way!
An Awakening Walk COVER


An Awakening Walk: 500 Miles to Self-Love and Acceptance on the Camino De Santiago eBook by Jennifer Johnson

An inspirational and brutally honest tale of one woman’s dogged tenacity to break through the barrier of her own self-abandonment. Over the 500 mile trail Jennifer released tears of grief, anger, and finally learned to embrace those sides of herself that were banished out of shame, fear, and social conditioning culminating in her triumphant deliverance into unconditional self-love.

Be Brilliant Jenny Florence


Be Brilliant! How to Be Extraordinary eBook by Jenny Florence

This highly acclaimed interactive eBook is an A-Z code of living written to support and guide the reader on a pathway of living that will strengthen and develop authenticity and personal inner integrity. When we discover within ourselves the solid ground of self-value, self-worth and self-esteem, built not of external stuff, but of internal values, built of the stuff that matters… we can become open and available to fully embrace the extraordinary brilliance that life gifts us with in every moment.

Mindful Parenting Kathy Oaks


Mindful Parenting Resources from Kathy Oaks

These two PDF guides, How to Bring Mindful Parenting to Your Everyday Interactions and Take Care of Yourself, Your Family, and the Earth: Plant a Native Garden with Your Kids offer parents practice advice for building a deeper bond with your children as you practice self-care for yourself.

About the Book

SELF-CARE REVOLUTION: 5 Pillars to Prevent Burnout and Build Sustainable Resilience for Helping Professionals takes you through a step by step system to set up a sustained and sustainable Self-Care practice as a way of life and work.

Who is this book for?

Are you experiencing any of these common experiences?

  • Increased busyness
  • Dwindling motivation and love for your work
  • Disappearing balance of work and life
  • Compassion fatigue or burnout
  • Dis-ease in your life or work
  • Elevated fear
Helping professionals

If so, you are not alone! We all need to be well to do good work, to raise our families, to learn our important life lessons, to support and love each other, and to bring to the world our unique gifts, talents, and contributions.

If you are a social worker, teacher, mental health, or other health care provider, clergy, first responder, coach, leader, or anyone feeling stressed and overwhelmed, this book is for you!

You do not need to live and work in a state of dis-ease.

If you are like many who are seeking a way towards healthy living through self-improvement there is not a moment more to wait.

This book is a self-help professional development guide.

Helping professionals must value wellness enough to build a life and professional practice around Self-Care and support one another to do the same. These are all Revolutionary acts!

This Revolution is about mindfulness, compassion, intention, and love. Most helping professionals understand that they must practice Self-Care, but don’t know where to begin or how to sustain their practice. This book is the why, what, and how for establishing Self-Care as a permanent and important part of your every-day life and work.

SELF-CARE REVOLUTION will show you how to move mindfully into

  • hope
  • resilience
  • stability
  • wellness
  • love for ourselves and for others
Tall Trees

The 5 Pillars of Self Care

Pillar 1 — Define Self-Care

Pillar 2 — Write a Values Statement

Pillar 3 — Make a Self-Care Plan

Pillar 4 — Recognize Impairment and Focus on Prevention

Pillar 5 — Support Others in Their Self-Care Plans

Self-Care, if revolutionized, fundamentally changes our way of relating to ourselves and to one another, our health care systems, and our legislation and regulations. If we are determined and committed to being well, to loving ourselves and to supporting one another, we can change the course of action. This is a Revolution!!

Meet Ellen Rondina

A licensed master social worker (LMSW), a certified coach, a university professor, a metaphysical minister, and a professional musician, Ellen Rondina teaches, speaks, and writes about music, wellness, spirituality, and human behavior, including self-care, mindfulness, and how to make and sustain change in one’s life.

She has been doing this work for more than 20 years and has been on her own self-care path since childhood! Ellen had her burnout early when at 16 she found herself unable to get out of bed for a couple of months. This set her on her self-care path and the realization that self-care is for everyone.

Ellen Rondina

Ellen has taught music to people of all ages, anger management to people with felony convictions, and parenting and money management to families who were experiencing homelessness. She has been sought after as a trainer and speaker in areas from bullying to mindfulness, and supported everything and everyone in between. Ellen is passionate about personal growth, discovery, spirit, and finding and helping others find their rhythm. Her mission is to guide people into their own awareness and to support them in putting their intentions into practice.

As a social justice and wellness advocate, her approach is from a strengths perspective, and she uses her broad knowledge and experience to creatively meet each person in a place that feels comfortable. She is committed to providing the space, intention, insight, and support that allows people to have empowering conversations that support self-care.

Born in the Boston, Massachusetts area, she has had a rich journey of life experience and formal education, including growing up in a musical family and becoming a professional musician at the age of ten, traveling and studying in West Africa, and pursuing a healing path.

Ellen finds balance in her work and being with her husband and son. They love to do anything outside, especially hike and be at the beach, and their favorite family game is “Boo!”

Praise for Self-Care Revolution

David Webber ISCF

Ellen is to be congratulated on this contribution to the self-care revolution.”

“The Self-Care Revolution has arrived! Self-care is a practical, person-centred set of activities that we should all be doing to maintain our health, wellness and wellbeing. Through self-care people can be healthier and remain so into old age, managing minor ailments themselves. They can also better manage, delay or even prevent the appearance of lifestyle diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and many cancers.

"Playing a vital role in health and not least in encouraging people to self-care, helping professionals are in the front line of the revolution. They can and should be role models themselves, practising what they preach. In her valuable eBook Ellen Rondina focuses on helping the care-giving professionals themselves to self-care. The book presents a practical guide to what self-care is, assessing one’s self-care situation, identifying strengths, overcoming barriers and making a personal self-care plan. Ellen is to be congratulated on this contribution to the self-care revolution.”

—David E. Webber Ph.D, President, International Self-Care Foundation (ISF)

Saving grace to the caregivers and healers”

“Self-Care Revolution is a saving grace to the caregivers and healers of the world that must, in order to continue their much needed work, take care of themselves first. Ellen’s five pillars provide a road map for wellness from the inside out. Combining engaging stories with practical action oriented steps and journaling exercises, this book will inspire you to live a happier, healthier life."

—Kathryn Kemp Guylay, award-winning and bestselling author of six books and transformational leader

Kathryn Kemp Guylay
Jenny Florence

“Intelligent… Relevant… and Practical!

Ellen skillfully leads us on a journey of Self-Evaluation, mindfully highlighting the conflicts faced by caring people working in demanding and pressured environments. This book is packed with personal and professional insight, which combined with a pragmatic hands-on approach offers the reader a pathway to establish a base line of real and lasting Self-Care. The workbook is a fabulous Bonus! An absolute must for anyone working in the helping professions.”

—Jenny Florence, Accredited Counsellor, BACP, UKRC and #1 Best selling Author of 7 Steps to Spiritual Empathy and Mindfulness Meets Emotional Awareness.

Read an Excerpt from Self-Care Revolution

In a time of increased violence, fear, and anxiety, and a time of ever-dwindling resources for the people and places who need them the most, the work of teachers, social workers, mental health and other health providers, clergy, first responders, coaches, healers, and others on the front lines is getting so much harder. Our work stressors and demands and the lack of focus and support around Self-Care have made it difficult for helping professionals to practice Self-Care in any kind of sustained and meaningful way. We are working longer hours, we have more clients, we are faced with an increased need from our aging population and from a growing opioid addiction epidemic, and school shootings are in the daily news, just to name a few tangible stresses. Helping professionals are on the front lines of the escalating violence, threats, and unhealthy responsive behaviors, both personally and professionally. This is all happening in our work environments; meanwhile we try to balance our work’s expectations with our own lives, our families, friends, hobbies, and of course, our health and wellness.

Here is the discomfort that Ashley, a mid-career master’s level child protective worker, is currently experiencing:

“I feel obligated to this particular path because this is what I do. I don’t know what else I would do that would feel as important. I love investigations, but I have an indefinable need for something to be different. I’m not sure if this is the job or, if something else changed in my life, whether the job could stay the same? I move faster from being compassionate to being authoritative. I don’t know whether this is a red flag for compassion fatigue, or if I am getting better at my job.”

Her experience — she calls it “compassion fatigue” — is unfortunately not unique, and I am certain many of you reading this book can relate. The statistics for how hard and long we work and the effects of these behaviors and schedules is profound and widespread. We are working longer hours and working during hours of the day when we might otherwise be resting or sleeping. The balance is off, creating a cycle of struggle between our wellness and how we are able to be present and available in our work and in our lives.

More Reviews

Barbara Markway

“Practical insights and strategies to deal with the stress...

“This is the book I wish I’d had at the beginning of my career as a clinical psychologist! Combining relatable personal examples with her decades of professional experience, Ellen offers practical insights and strategies to deal with the stress and burnout that too often goes hand-in-hand with being a helping professional.

She dives deep into self-care practices, going beyond bubble baths and the common things we think about with self-care. Ultimately, she offers a way to relate more compassionately with ourselves, which leads to more resilience for us and better outcomes for those we serve.”  

Barbara Markway, Ph.D., Psychologist & Author

“An organized and thorough road map”

“There is no doubt in my mind that Ellen Rondina’s new e-book will become an important tool for first responders and professionals offering trauma informed care.  She offers all helping professionals a clear and in-depth way to explore their own self care needs by identifying five pillars of self care. Rondina makes it clear that we as providers are responsible for doing this work, however, her book provides us with an organized and thorough road map.  The workbook style affords the professional the opportunity to explore their truth, their values, and their obstacles. It is brilliantly written and deeply satisfying and supportive for those who give so much of themselves to their community.”

—Ann C. Bliss, LCMHC. Private Practice. Owner/Director of The Center for Trauma Intervention

Ann Bliss

Order Now and Get These 5 Bonus Gifts of Wellness

4 Biggest Barries to Self Care Ellen Rondina
21 Day Self care Challenge
An Awakening Walk COVER
Be Brilliant Jenny Florence
Mindful Parenting Kathy Oaks

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Self-Care Revolution Ellen Rondina

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